Saturday, September 21, 2013

Queens Stand Up!

Hey Queens!!!

Queens Stand Up is a movement, to empower other women to Free the Queen Within. We are here to uplift and inspire communities, being the difference to change the world, creating chain reactions for others to uplift and inspire.
Be the light in dark places!

My definition of a Queen: Queens "Beautiful Warrior Women"
Fighting for what's right, prevailing over the bad, inspiring & Uplifting Communities, exuding Love, kindness, wisdom, courage, knowledge and patience!

We are here to offer hope to the masses! There is something special in each and every woman and that special something is called purpose. You have a purpose, you are worthy, you are a Queen. I challenge you wherever you are, I challenge you to pursue that purpose, the calling God has on your life. I challenge you to inspire others, battle that fear with God given DNA which is FAITH.

Will you accept the challenge? If so, then I'm saying to you QUEENS STAND UP, and Free the Queen within.
                  Peace & Blessings
                    Queens -DW
Instagram: @dwqueenspurpose
Twitter: @DWqueen

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Speak Life

Hey Queens,

I know it has been a while since my last blog post and I truly apologize for that. I've gotten so busy with school, work, and of course taking care of my daughter and was focused on trying to build the youth ministry at my church, I neglected my blog. *sad face*

    First I want to say hello beautifuls, I pray you all had an AMAZING summer and if your in school now I pray you have a successful school year as well as those that work full time and stay at home mommies. Life can throw so many things at us that we tend to get discouraged BUT I'm here to remind you that GOD will not put more on us than we can bare. It may feel at times that we can't handle it all but remember the battle is NOT ours alone. God says to call on Him whenever we need Him and believe He will be there.
    Psalm 60:12 With God's help we will do mighty things.

   A few things happened over the summer that had me feeling a bit discouraged. I was confused, and frustrated about where I was headed, and the cause of that confusion was because I unintentionally stepped ahead of God. I got so busy with trying to start the youth ministry at my church that I lost sight of the ministry God so graciously had placed in front of me. So because of that confusion, I began to feel as if I wasn't worthy of God's promises, I began to doubt my abilities.

  I felt like I was letting God down, when really it was the enemy placing those feelings of guilt and shame in me. Although I had not spoken the words I was thinking it. You ever heard that saying "your thoughts become your actions"? Well that scared the mess out if me and I had to snap out of that thinking and pull it back quickly. I cries out to God late night and asked Him to empty me of me and fill me up with more of Him. I said Lord help me to think more highly of myself, help me to see what you see in me. I also asked Him to give me words, the right words to speak life into myself, to speak victory into my life. I began rebuking satan, telling it has no authority over my life, in my life, and that I only answer to GOD!

    The more I started praising Him, thanking Him, shedding tears the more I felt better. I read the word (bread of life) and asked for clarity, so I can have a better understanding of what I needed to do to be aligned with His word and plan for my life. The more I began speak positively about myself, about others, about my circumstances, and reading his words the I began to believe that there was and is a greater purpose God has for me. Nobody but God knew what I was going through, and while I was giving positive affirmations to family and friends, on my social networking sites I was speaking life into myself.

  "Ephesians 4:29 Do Not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths. But only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen"
  No matter what you are going through, how you may feel about a certain situation know that those are temporary, those negative thoughts and feelings can be changed by speaking life into yourself, speaking victory over your life and BELIEVING that you are worthy of God's love, God's promises, to be happy and filled with joy. There may be others watching you and you may not be aware of it, so even if you each yourself to speak life, push yourself to encourage do it. Think highly of yourselves and ALWAYS be mindful of those watching you and listening to you.

"Ephesians 3:19 And to know this love that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled to the measures of all the fullness of God."
                        God loves you and so do I!
                                Peace & Blessings
                                 Queens. -DW

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