Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Problems Before the Promise

Hey Queens

  I Know its been a while since the last time I blogged, and I do apologize loves. So much has happened now, been through some ups and downs but I can say I am standing, I survived and I am here with an encouraging message for you all.

A lot of the time we don't see things the way God see's it. We see the problem not the PROMISE which makes us discouraged. We see failure and not SUCCESS even though it may take a couple of trial and errors to get it right. When we become hurt, we see the end of something instead of a new beginning. When we look at our life, we tend to just see a complete mess but realize God has a message for yourself and for you to relate to others.

In a life where a person always seems to have hardships, we begin to believe thats all we will ever see. Honestly, it can be so many curve balls one might endure that they may feel that hardships/storms are what their life is about. The expectation when something good happens is "well this won't last, so I might as well not be happy about it." when we have been hit and attacked by the enemy we grow accustomed to bad experiences.
  You have to BELIEVE that what God has for you is just for YOU. You have to BELIEVE that although you may face a problem that God is behind the scenes, ready to lift you up, and lead you to your PROMISE. You don't have to see the promise yet, you just have to BELIEVE that its in your future. Once you start believing the promise you can watch the promise come to fruition.

In Hebrews 6:11-20 these scriptures tell us that through faith and patience we will be blessed to see and receive our promise. If we are diligent in our work, obedient in our walk with the Lord and don't lose hope, God will bless us abundantly. There will be problems before the promise but we have to keep striving.

And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.
                              Hebrews 6:15

A woman diligent in her work stands before Queens.

I pray that this message has inspired you too keep going, keep praying, stay faithful, obedient and continue to walk towards your promise in purpose.
Peace & Blessings Queens
           D.W. Queen

Reach us on Twitter @queensofpurpose
& Instagram

Friday, October 25, 2013


Hey Queens
          Last Friday was the start of new clubs for my students & I. The club I chose was the girl empowerment club I began last year. The reason why I began the club last year is because I notices my students, specifically my girls students had been thinking about the wrong things to be the ages of 7 to 9. All of them have beautiful hearts but like a lot of us there were some things that they needed to work on. Those things are attitude, they way they behaved as girls, as well as self image meaning self esteem.

    It had weighed heavily on my heart before I came to the conclusion that the girl empowerment club would be perfect resolution or at least a great start to building my girls up. P.I.E.S is an acronym meaning Positive Intelligent Extraordinary Sisters. I want to teach them and show them the effect of having a good attitude, how treating.others with kindness stands out, how to resolve conflicts, about sisterhood, but moat importantly to love themselves. The area our school is located in is a low income area, some of what they see may not be so positive or like my sisters in I, single family home and mom working and going to school to provide, and also some are in the judicial system . They need that positive reinforcement when mom or dad isn't around to provide it, they need to know that regardless of what may go on at school, or at home that they have someone or a group of people that loves them and truly wants the best for them.
     I would like my P.I.E.S. to be one of the  foundations for my girls to encourage them, empower them to be better and do better. Last year P.I.E.S. made small strides with some of my girls and I pray this year we can make even bigger strides in helping my girls succeed. Today is our Breast Cancer Awareness day at our after school program and my girls made a Breast Cancer Awareness ribbon created from their hands. They know what Breast Cancer is, they're aware and we fully support the fight. I am truly excited to see whats to come with the blog, Queens Stand Up movement and P.I.E.S.
   Looking forward to sharing more stories with you all.
               Peace &Blessings
                     Queens. -DW

Thursday, October 3, 2013

No Nonsense, Best Policy!

Hey Queens,

     I hope you all are enjoying the Fall weather so far. The leaves changing colors is so wonderful. Today I was thinking as I made my way to work, that the Fall season is just like the seasons we have spiritually. So many people may come into our life, but they may be there only for a season. After they have fulfilled their purpose for being in your life whether it be good or "bad", God orders their steps to lead away from you. Unfortunately because we don't know when to use discernment (wisdom) we mistake those temporary folk, for permanent friends.

   The people that come into our life is like the saying parts of a tree. One tree is the roots that represent those that have been in your life, foundation (God, morals and lessons). Then you have those that represent the branches that are in your life for long periods of time. The "branch people" can be there helping you, supporting you, encouraging you, praying for you and then you have those "branch people" that can be so negative, draining and not good for you but because you have known them for so long you don't want to let them go. Oh yes, and don't try to hold on to them God will snatch them right out of your life. Then you have those that are like leaves, not exactly associates but they are not meant to be there longer than a season. It's already order by God that they have to leave you..unfortunately along with those leaves sometimes come with pain. This is where wisdom comes in and you have to pray and ask God to help you use that wisdom.

   There will be many leaf like people that come into your life. They talk to you, start to build a friendship or relationship with you but they could also be placed in your life to trip you up. Now this is when you would pray and ask God if they are there for a purpose, because they could be sent by satan himself to trip you up, to distract you from what God has called you to do. These type of people will turn you off and on like a light switch, they will say all the "right" things but their intentions and spirit is the complete opposite. One way to figure them out is their consistency and also actions. Their true character will appear and it won't be anything like they portrayed it to be in the beginning. If it throws you off and something in your spirit is telling you things are NOT quite right with that person that something is God, trying to warn you. That is the spirit of discernment listen to it and walk away from that person before they are able to cause you harm.

  Don't ever let anyone take advantage of you, the person you are growing into, or your time. Show them too will NOT take any NONSENSE and that you are bold enough, smart enough, and down right courageous enough to walk away. If they take offense to your actions or by your words, they just showed you who they truly are, they were NOT there for good intentions, they were there to distract you. Ladies actions always speak louder than words, so please pay attention to what God is trying to show you and tell you.

  If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. -James 1:5

When you don't know what to do, ask God for some help.
                              Peace & Blessings
                                   Queens -DW
Follow my:
Instagram @dwqueenspurpose
Twitter @DWqueen
Tumblr thatbeautifulblackgirl

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Queens Stand Up!

Hey Queens!!!

Queens Stand Up is a movement, to empower other women to Free the Queen Within. We are here to uplift and inspire communities, being the difference to change the world, creating chain reactions for others to uplift and inspire.
Be the light in dark places!

My definition of a Queen: Queens "Beautiful Warrior Women"
Fighting for what's right, prevailing over the bad, inspiring & Uplifting Communities, exuding Love, kindness, wisdom, courage, knowledge and patience!

We are here to offer hope to the masses! There is something special in each and every woman and that special something is called purpose. You have a purpose, you are worthy, you are a Queen. I challenge you wherever you are, I challenge you to pursue that purpose, the calling God has on your life. I challenge you to inspire others, battle that fear with God given DNA which is FAITH.

Will you accept the challenge? If so, then I'm saying to you QUEENS STAND UP, and Free the Queen within.
                  Peace & Blessings
                    Queens -DW
Instagram: @dwqueenspurpose
Twitter: @DWqueen

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Speak Life

Hey Queens,

I know it has been a while since my last blog post and I truly apologize for that. I've gotten so busy with school, work, and of course taking care of my daughter and was focused on trying to build the youth ministry at my church, I neglected my blog. *sad face*

    First I want to say hello beautifuls, I pray you all had an AMAZING summer and if your in school now I pray you have a successful school year as well as those that work full time and stay at home mommies. Life can throw so many things at us that we tend to get discouraged BUT I'm here to remind you that GOD will not put more on us than we can bare. It may feel at times that we can't handle it all but remember the battle is NOT ours alone. God says to call on Him whenever we need Him and believe He will be there.
    Psalm 60:12 With God's help we will do mighty things.

   A few things happened over the summer that had me feeling a bit discouraged. I was confused, and frustrated about where I was headed, and the cause of that confusion was because I unintentionally stepped ahead of God. I got so busy with trying to start the youth ministry at my church that I lost sight of the ministry God so graciously had placed in front of me. So because of that confusion, I began to feel as if I wasn't worthy of God's promises, I began to doubt my abilities.

  I felt like I was letting God down, when really it was the enemy placing those feelings of guilt and shame in me. Although I had not spoken the words I was thinking it. You ever heard that saying "your thoughts become your actions"? Well that scared the mess out if me and I had to snap out of that thinking and pull it back quickly. I cries out to God late night and asked Him to empty me of me and fill me up with more of Him. I said Lord help me to think more highly of myself, help me to see what you see in me. I also asked Him to give me words, the right words to speak life into myself, to speak victory into my life. I began rebuking satan, telling it has no authority over my life, in my life, and that I only answer to GOD!

    The more I started praising Him, thanking Him, shedding tears the more I felt better. I read the word (bread of life) and asked for clarity, so I can have a better understanding of what I needed to do to be aligned with His word and plan for my life. The more I began speak positively about myself, about others, about my circumstances, and reading his words the I began to believe that there was and is a greater purpose God has for me. Nobody but God knew what I was going through, and while I was giving positive affirmations to family and friends, on my social networking sites I was speaking life into myself.

  "Ephesians 4:29 Do Not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths. But only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen"
  No matter what you are going through, how you may feel about a certain situation know that those are temporary, those negative thoughts and feelings can be changed by speaking life into yourself, speaking victory over your life and BELIEVING that you are worthy of God's love, God's promises, to be happy and filled with joy. There may be others watching you and you may not be aware of it, so even if you have.to each yourself to speak life, push yourself to encourage do it. Think highly of yourselves and ALWAYS be mindful of those watching you and listening to you.

"Ephesians 3:19 And to know this love that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled to the measures of all the fullness of God."
                        God loves you and so do I!
                                Peace & Blessings
                                 Queens. -DW

Follow my IG @dwqueenspurpose
Follow my tumblr thatbeautifulblackgirl
For features on Queens Of Purpose email me at queensofpurpose31@gmail.com

Monday, June 3, 2013

Arise daughter Zion

Although you have made mistakes, you are still worthy
God says
Arise daughter Zion
You may have been kicked down over and over again
But again God says
Arise daughter Zion
The enemy tried to take you out, and pull you under
God says
Arise daughter Zion
There were times you stepped away from God but he never stepped away from you
God says
Arise daughter Zion
God didnt afflict pain upon you
Its because you kept running, he couldn't heal You, but he loves you
God says
Arise daughter Zion
Don't let the guilt of your past, keep you prisoner
God says
Arise daughter Zion
The world says you are alone
But GOD will NEVER leave you nor forsake you
God says
Arise daughter Zion
There maybe places in you that may seem to be filled with darkness
That is where GODs love will shine the BRIGHTEST
God says
Arise daughter Zion
Satan says God doesn't love you, your a mistake, give up.
GOD is our father he wants the best for you
And again GOD says
Arise daughter Zion
Lord I need you, I can't do.it on my own, I won't waste anymore time, I will keep fighting, I will keep going. I will obey, I will stand tall through it all
I am daughter Zion & I have risen.

Peace & Blessings Queens

Monday, April 22, 2013

Tear Down, Why?

GOD is the architect and his words and the lessons we learn is our foundation. -DW
   So far in my life I have met only a handful of women that actually encouraged and empowered me to go for my dreams, step out on Faith and to keep going despite people that have tried to discourage me.

    I will be 24 years old next month May 5, 2013 and so far I have met more women that were selfish, discouraging and non empowering. I understand we all want to make something out of our lives, and Live a life with Purpose. A lot of women are focused on competing with each other, that instead of this being a beautiful journey they become miserable, envious, hateful, and try to put others down because they are not where they want to be. Most Women see the progression, success, of other women and they get upset because they want to be there. The progression can be mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually, and the bad feelings they have fester into jealousy. A lot of Women have to realize that everyone, I mean EVERYONE has a journey. It could have taken that person years to get where they are, went through so many trials, had periods of discouragement, but they still managed to make their dreams a reality. Everything is a process, nothing worth having, or worthy doesn't happen over night it has to be built the right way.

   All you can do is focus on your growth, GOD, your journey and enjoying it along the way. Instead of being envious, or jealous how about asking for help. Don't be afraid to ask GOD for some help, clarity, direction and how to get help from others. Sometimes you won't get help from others, GOD will show you how to help yourself. I actually experienced that myself, I was looking to GOD for the help of others because I didn't think I was capable of doing it on my own. One day I started playing around in adobe graphics designs program and I made my own T-shirt designs and also made a logo for Queens of Purpose. Yes I was super, stoked and of course I had to share what happen, GOD is so awesome. So Don't be afraid to ask GOD for help. In the bible it says ask and you shall receive, if you believe that your prayers will be answered you will receive it (Luke 11:9, Matthew 21:22) I can't say that it will happen on that day, the next day, week, or month but what I can tell you is that it will be answered.

   I can count on one hand how many Women that actually helped me as much as they could, giving advice to help me go for my dreams. It came a point where I had to stand on my own, work and keep Faith that GOD would show me what I needed to do. I prayed every night and day for help and I thought it would never come but that's when GOD would place someone in my life and really they were already there but GOD gave me clarity to see that. Many times I asked Women for help, not physical help but help point me in the right direction, for a little advice. You know what they did? Those women either ignored me, or instead of giving me a list of pros & cons they flat out tried to discourage me by giving new all the cons of pursuing my dreams.

  Then I started thinking if it was so bad, then why do they have their business, what made them keep going if pursuing it was such a bad thing. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks these women were afraid to help because they were scared of it stopping their business, so then they went into competition mode. A good friend of mine, she is a fashion blogger Tamisha Monet of www.theurbanclassboutique.com Blog said " by me helping, it doesn't make me feel I will lose sight of my business, or my goals. To many women think that by helping other women it's going to stop their business."

  In reality when you help others you help yourself unintentionally. You have just built a lasting relationship as a friend, and possibly in the future a business partner. We must Empower one another, Encourage each other, and inspire others to go after their dreams, the Purpose GOD has for them. We all have a Purpose and within our Purpose we should always Encourage others. Helping your sister won't stop your shine, it will just make it that much brighter.
   There is no where to go but up, so hold your head up and keep going Ladies.

Peace & Blessings Queens