Monday, April 22, 2013

Tear Down, Why?

GOD is the architect and his words and the lessons we learn is our foundation. -DW
   So far in my life I have met only a handful of women that actually encouraged and empowered me to go for my dreams, step out on Faith and to keep going despite people that have tried to discourage me.

    I will be 24 years old next month May 5, 2013 and so far I have met more women that were selfish, discouraging and non empowering. I understand we all want to make something out of our lives, and Live a life with Purpose. A lot of women are focused on competing with each other, that instead of this being a beautiful journey they become miserable, envious, hateful, and try to put others down because they are not where they want to be. Most Women see the progression, success, of other women and they get upset because they want to be there. The progression can be mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually, and the bad feelings they have fester into jealousy. A lot of Women have to realize that everyone, I mean EVERYONE has a journey. It could have taken that person years to get where they are, went through so many trials, had periods of discouragement, but they still managed to make their dreams a reality. Everything is a process, nothing worth having, or worthy doesn't happen over night it has to be built the right way.

   All you can do is focus on your growth, GOD, your journey and enjoying it along the way. Instead of being envious, or jealous how about asking for help. Don't be afraid to ask GOD for some help, clarity, direction and how to get help from others. Sometimes you won't get help from others, GOD will show you how to help yourself. I actually experienced that myself, I was looking to GOD for the help of others because I didn't think I was capable of doing it on my own. One day I started playing around in adobe graphics designs program and I made my own T-shirt designs and also made a logo for Queens of Purpose. Yes I was super, stoked and of course I had to share what happen, GOD is so awesome. So Don't be afraid to ask GOD for help. In the bible it says ask and you shall receive, if you believe that your prayers will be answered you will receive it (Luke 11:9, Matthew 21:22) I can't say that it will happen on that day, the next day, week, or month but what I can tell you is that it will be answered.

   I can count on one hand how many Women that actually helped me as much as they could, giving advice to help me go for my dreams. It came a point where I had to stand on my own, work and keep Faith that GOD would show me what I needed to do. I prayed every night and day for help and I thought it would never come but that's when GOD would place someone in my life and really they were already there but GOD gave me clarity to see that. Many times I asked Women for help, not physical help but help point me in the right direction, for a little advice. You know what they did? Those women either ignored me, or instead of giving me a list of pros & cons they flat out tried to discourage me by giving new all the cons of pursuing my dreams.

  Then I started thinking if it was so bad, then why do they have their business, what made them keep going if pursuing it was such a bad thing. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks these women were afraid to help because they were scared of it stopping their business, so then they went into competition mode. A good friend of mine, she is a fashion blogger Tamisha Monet of Blog said " by me helping, it doesn't make me feel I will lose sight of my business, or my goals. To many women think that by helping other women it's going to stop their business."

  In reality when you help others you help yourself unintentionally. You have just built a lasting relationship as a friend, and possibly in the future a business partner. We must Empower one another, Encourage each other, and inspire others to go after their dreams, the Purpose GOD has for them. We all have a Purpose and within our Purpose we should always Encourage others. Helping your sister won't stop your shine, it will just make it that much brighter.
   There is no where to go but up, so hold your head up and keep going Ladies.

Peace & Blessings Queens

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