Sunday, March 24, 2013

Use To See

What I USE to see was a girl screaming to be saved
What I USE to see was a girl that was broken
What I USE to see was a girl that didn't like what she saw, scared of what she would be.

In today's society, not enough young girls and Women respect themselves, trying to stay up to date with each and every NEW trend. So many desperately seek attention, love and affection from boys and men, when if they really took the time they'd see that in JESUS. I am not judging anyone at all because I USE to be that girl. I wanted the attention of others so bad that I caused myself heartache and pain. Now I look to JESUS for everything, to GOD for all my needs. Instead of putting a band aid on my pain, and brokeness that would only last temporarily I looked to JESUS for lasting aid, for healing.

   Ladies I know it's hard compromising yourself, because you want to fit in. I know all you want is to be loved, to feel wanted, fill that void, to have protection, BUT like Kirk Whalum said in his song "Falling in love with JESUS was the best thing I've ever done". JESUS will supply you with all your needs. You will have unconditional love, will always be protected and wanted. All the pain, heartache, struggles, and frustration will no longer exist, or better to get through it if you stopped fighting for control. You have to stop lowering yourself, your standards to receive what JESUS can and will give you ten fold, from a boy or man that can't even love himself enough to seek JESUS.

    I always think about that saying "If you can't love yourself, how in the heck you gone love someone else?" In my opinion I feel your doing yourself a great injustice not having a relationship with JESUS. JESUS is love right? When you open yourself up to the love of Christ, you open yourself up to healing, to a spiritual journey that will NOT harm you but HEAL you.

   Your journey will teach you sister,  many things about yourself, that it helps build you up. Having a relationship with JESUS helps lead you to your purpose and gives you wisdom on how to treat yourself, how others should treat you and how you should treat others. That is the definition of loving yourself. Wake up ladies it's not too late to experience the love of Christ. It's not too late to see that you are worthy of so much, you are definitely worthy to be loved but by the right person and especially loved by GOD. You were designed and created with a purpose and until you realize that, until you take the next step to stop all that hurt and frustration, sorry to say but it will never stop, you will never know how to handle it.

  You can do things to temporarily aid it but it will still be there underneath all those old band aids. Seeking the attention of others is not worth compromising your joy. You are SMART, BEAUTIFUL, WORTHY, LOVED, and have a PURPOSE. GOD is waiting, JESUS is waiting on you, Yes it is a process to restore and untie those knots but I can Testify it's so worth it. What you see now, will become the past and it will be what you USE to see. Exodus 14:13-14 Don't be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you. The LORD himself will fight for you.

"Never would have made it without you. I'm stronger, wiser, I'm better much better" -Marvin Sapp

JESUS I love you, I need you, please help me to stay focused on your words, help me to continue to stand, help me to be strong. In JESUS name Amen.
Peace & Blessings Queens

Monday, March 18, 2013

Operation: Take Back!

I know you all were wondering when I would post because I've been pretty consistent since I started the blog. Great things have been happening at least in my eyes, heart, and soul I believe they are great. So recently I have started y herbalife any one can do it, whether you want to lose weight, maintain weight, gain weight, and just be in shape and healthy.

It's a great feeling, although I am small I am NOT I repeat NOT in shape. Lol. A lot of people ask me "Girl why you working out, your already small? " It's not about getting smaller, it's about being healthy, a fitter me. Working out also involves your mind, you have to wake up with positive thoughts so you can be and stay motivated. If you wake up in a bad mood 9 times out of 10 your not going to do your workout, probably won't care what your putting into your body that day. Have you heard that saying "Your thoughts become your actions" I strongly believe that. We have to think more positive about our life, about circumstances. There is a opportunity, and lesson and every obstacle, and or trial. Guard your thoughts because if you Don't the devil will come in and and attack your mind with nothing but negativity. Negativity you can't see pass.

You don't want to become a prisoner in your own mind do you? Never able to reach your goals because your too focused on what you "think" is holding you back. Today I declare to not only take back my body but I am taking back my mind. I have gotten control over my body so that I can live a healthy life, so I can do the works of the Lord. If I am unhealthy, sick and bed ridden how can I do kingdom work. How can I finish out my purpose if I leave this earth too soon because I am not treating my body well. The same goes with my mind, I will no longer be held captive by negative thought, I will no longer let the devil discourage me from walking into my destiny. Although I still have a journey I believe I have arrived, my purpose has been signed, sealed and delivered by my father the one and only ALL MIGHTY CREATOR. I take back my mind, my body, my heart, soul and give it to Jesus!!
In the next coming weeks I am putting together a schedule for Ladies in my area to meet in the park for weekend workouts, thus has boost my motivation even more. "Fitness M.O.M.s" was inspired by my sisters and I, we went for a workout and it was so excited and liberating and FUN because we were able to motivate each other and push pass our own limits. I thought why not open this up to Mom's that desire to get back in shape but Don't have the motivation or need the extra motivation. Fitness M.O.M.s
Motivating Other Mom's, I am not a fitness guru, I am a mom like you with Extraordinary goals, ideas and BIG DREAMS, and I have a desire to be healthy, get in shape and meet new people and motivate on the way. It's not about making money, but about really having common ground and creating an empowering atmosphere, and helping each other reach our goals, reaching beyond our comfort zones, it's a transformation. Stay tuned for post with more info about Fitness M.O.Ms
Operation: Take Back is in full effect, will you join me?

Post "Fitness M.O.M.s in The Park" coming Soon...
Peace & Blessings Queens

Monday, March 11, 2013

I am Not my Own!

Who am I? Where do I go? What will I become? For a long time I was so confused about where my life was headed, always changing majors in college. Out of all the jobs I had, not one made me happy, I didn't feel any joy from it until I started working with children. Working with children has brought so much joy to my life, but something was still missing. I still was doing did what I wanted to, try to be cool by doing what my friends did. Pretending to enjoy it when really I felt empty and even more confused, but I didn't want to be different, I didn't wanted to seem like the "outcast".

The first time I went to church and actually understood what was going on, and what was being said was my 7th grade year I went too church with my favorite aunt. I loved the atmosphere, I loved the feeling of being in that sacred place, and right then I knew Jesus was the one for me. After church my aunt told me "Dawneshia I see a glow about you, inside you are special" at that moment I had no idea what she meant but I kept on smiling. After that day I went to almost every service with my aunt, she introduced me to Gospel musical artist and my favorite was and will always be MARY MARY. From that day my life changed and I had not notice, but what I really didn't know was that God had a calling on my life before the womb so it was destined. As I got older I drew closer to Jesus. I began going to Bible study, I joined the praise dance team rehearsal was every Wednesday and youth night which was every Friday and services on Sunday morning. I love Jesus so much that I didn't want to leave him, I didn't mind not going out with friends.

Then it was the following year I moved to Sacramento away from my church family, away from my aunt, but I didn't think I would stray away from Jesus. My aunt passed away that year and it devastated me, I felt out off place, I felt different, I felt alone. Something that I didn't realize was that Jesus never left me. All through out high school I did everything to not seem different, I graduated and turned 18 I thought nobody could tell me nothing. Then it became a downward spiral even when I tried to get back right, I thought I was to far away from Christ to be redeemed. I thought I had sinned so much that he could never love me. I thought God was upset and stopped listening to my prayers, so I didn't care if I saw another day.

One night I cried until I gave myself a head ache, I prayed and asked the Lord what does my life mean, I feel so worthless, Lord help me, please hear me. Take this pain away, I Don't know how much more I can take. I said Lord I'm scared, confused, tired, and hurting Lord take it away. I had cried so much I dozed off to sleep the Lord said "Dawneshia I got you, keep fighting" The demon was right there in front of me he told me I won't let it hurt you. That night I felt at Peace, I knew God really had a calling on my life.

I drew closer to the Lord but still stumbling but because God has so much grace and mercy that he has shown upon me I am here still able to tell my story, my testimony. No matter how much I still tried to do my own thing I always ended right back to God. I still was a bit confused not knowing what my purpose is but through my pain I was always able to stop my pity party, encourage and uplift others that were feeling down, that were going through something tough in their life. Then God started sending Confirmation, that was my purpose that everything I went through was not only for me but for God's glory. I am to minister to not only youth but women as well. I am not my own person, because I belong to Jesus see, I am about kingdom business.

No matter what I go through, no matter what type of storm I am in, I will still encourage, still uplift, alwaus pray for whoever needs it. That is who I am, what I have become, that is my destiny. It doesn't matter how long it took me to get here, I can say I MADE IT.

Whoever reads this, wherever you are just know that you are NOT alone, NEVER alone. Jesus hears your cries, he sees that you are in pain pray and let him do the mending Ladies. You are BRAVE,  SMART, BEAUTIFUL, AND WORTHY AND YOU HAVE A PURPOSE! KEEP smiling, and keep praying Jesus got you!

Peace & Blessings Queens

Instagram @dwlovee

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Bad Bish, No! Queen Yes!!

Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. 1 Peter 3:3-4

Society got me thinking a bad Bish is what I need to be
Not I, because God says I should clothe myself with beauty and dignity
With so many struggles and test I face
It's only God that gives me His love and grace
I know it may look good when men throw a few dollars
Make you feel special when he winks and pop his collar
Like Talib Kweli said
It's the devils last wish
For us queens to rise above being a Bish or bad bish
Taking your clothes off for the fast money
Know that your worth more than rubies honey
Give respect to get respect
So start with yourselves
Ladies I know your fed up the disrespect
Hard life, struggles but you gotta keep your head up.
Walk around and live as the queens you are.
Bad Bish, No! Queen, Yes!.-DW 

Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Proverbs 31:30

Peace and Blessings Queens

Friday, March 8, 2013


No more worrying or tiredness, God says I'll give you rest
God says I'll give you peace
God says take back your happiness
Gods says you have a purpose
God says you are beautiful
God says I will protect you
God says I will cover you
God says I will ALWAYS love you
God says when your feeling weak HE will be your strength
God says your best is yet to come
God says wait on me, I'll set you free
God says you've been redeemed
God says you are worthy
God says you are NEVER alone
God says I will NEVER leave you Nor forsake you
God says its not over until your victory is WON. Amen
You are a daughter of a loving, and mighty God. When he says no its only to protect you, like the loving father HE is, HE just wants the best for you.. For us all!
Hold on and DON'T give up.
Peace & Blessings Queens

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Love your real self!

So I am reading my new book I just bought Titled The Power In Waiting by Carla Cannon! I have just completed chapter 5 which is about holding on to Gods Promises, and if God has blessed you with opportunities you have prayed for, DON'T TALK YOURSELF OUT OF IT. I did that a lot in the past, because I was afraid I would fail, I was afraid that I wasn't good enough.. I was afraid that I wasn't ready for those blessings. Over time God showed and told me that if He sends a blessing your way that YOU ARE READY, and even if you may mess up, or "fail" God says that is okay that is apart of the process!  Without a test, how could there be a testimony. 

Another thing I wanted to share with you all from Carla Cannon's book, she encourages women to love their natural self, their real seld under all the make up, fake hair, plastic surgery. Its nothing wrong with it but don't go over board with it. My testimony is similar to hers, growing up I have always been petite, I always wanted to have more curves, thicker thighs, bigger breast, and long straight hair. I always felt uncomfortable with myself for a long time. Just two years ago, after I had my daughter was when I was able to really love myself. I realized that God made us in the image of him, He took his mighty, powerful hands and created me with a purpose.

I was really able to love myself regardless of what the media portrayed to be beautiful! I WAS AND STILL am unique, original, one of a kind. I knew that I was WONDERFULLY made.. amen!! Last year I went natural, I cut off all my hair and started over again fresh. Its like when you decide to live for Christ the old you, the you that did what you wanted, the you that didnt care too much about whether you were sinning or not died and the new you, the cleansed you has risen. You have started fresh. One of the things I have learned is that as you grow in Christ your Journey will teach you so much about yourself that yoi never noticed, or made you confront what you tried so hard to keep hidden within yourself. Love yourself, real self FLAWS AND ALL. You are unique, you are original, you are one of a kind amd you have a purpose whether you know it or not.

I have a two year old daughter and as she gets older I want her to see how strong, confident, and beautiful her mother is... Most of all I want her to see what loving Christ and having a relationship with Him has done for mommy, and what He will do for her. I AM BEING THE DIFFERENCE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Remember ladies love your REAL self, even if you still may wear fake hair, plastic surgery, wear make up you should learn to love your real selves. I know we all may be struggling with something,  but you want to be able to be comfortable in your skin, when a man falls in love with you, you should want him to fall in love with the real you not just what he see's on the outside but the inside as well. It wont just happen over night its a process but rest in God knowing He will bring you through, let your test be a testimony.

Peace & Blessings Queens!

Queen M.A.F.I.A?


The name is Dawneshia Wilson or as my friends and family call me DW! I bet your wondering what is Queen M.A.F.I.A., it means Queens that are Majestic and Favored Inspirational Ambitious! I created this blog to encourage and uplift all women does not matter what race you are. I will feature positive women, that have overcame struggles, women that have their own businesses, and women that just have beautiful souls. These women don't have to be famous, or well known. I will shine light on all, that may go unnoticed.  I want to build you all up, I want you all to understand your worth, that you have been created with a purpose!! I am looking forward to hearing from you all, and looking foward to sharing my testimony as well as the testimonies of others. Have an awesome day!! Peace & Blessings