Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Love your real self!

So I am reading my new book I just bought Titled The Power In Waiting by Carla Cannon! I have just completed chapter 5 which is about holding on to Gods Promises, and if God has blessed you with opportunities you have prayed for, DON'T TALK YOURSELF OUT OF IT. I did that a lot in the past, because I was afraid I would fail, I was afraid that I wasn't good enough.. I was afraid that I wasn't ready for those blessings. Over time God showed and told me that if He sends a blessing your way that YOU ARE READY, and even if you may mess up, or "fail" God says that is okay that is apart of the process!  Without a test, how could there be a testimony. 

Another thing I wanted to share with you all from Carla Cannon's book, she encourages women to love their natural self, their real seld under all the make up, fake hair, plastic surgery. Its nothing wrong with it but don't go over board with it. My testimony is similar to hers, growing up I have always been petite, I always wanted to have more curves, thicker thighs, bigger breast, and long straight hair. I always felt uncomfortable with myself for a long time. Just two years ago, after I had my daughter was when I was able to really love myself. I realized that God made us in the image of him, He took his mighty, powerful hands and created me with a purpose.

I was really able to love myself regardless of what the media portrayed to be beautiful! I WAS AND STILL am unique, original, one of a kind. I knew that I was WONDERFULLY made.. amen!! Last year I went natural, I cut off all my hair and started over again fresh. Its like when you decide to live for Christ the old you, the you that did what you wanted, the you that didnt care too much about whether you were sinning or not died and the new you, the cleansed you has risen. You have started fresh. One of the things I have learned is that as you grow in Christ your Journey will teach you so much about yourself that yoi never noticed, or made you confront what you tried so hard to keep hidden within yourself. Love yourself, real self FLAWS AND ALL. You are unique, you are original, you are one of a kind amd you have a purpose whether you know it or not.

I have a two year old daughter and as she gets older I want her to see how strong, confident, and beautiful her mother is... Most of all I want her to see what loving Christ and having a relationship with Him has done for mommy, and what He will do for her. I AM BEING THE DIFFERENCE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Remember ladies love your REAL self, even if you still may wear fake hair, plastic surgery, wear make up you should learn to love your real selves. I know we all may be struggling with something,  but you want to be able to be comfortable in your skin, when a man falls in love with you, you should want him to fall in love with the real you not just what he see's on the outside but the inside as well. It wont just happen over night its a process but rest in God knowing He will bring you through, let your test be a testimony.

Peace & Blessings Queens!

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