Monday, March 18, 2013

Operation: Take Back!

I know you all were wondering when I would post because I've been pretty consistent since I started the blog. Great things have been happening at least in my eyes, heart, and soul I believe they are great. So recently I have started y herbalife any one can do it, whether you want to lose weight, maintain weight, gain weight, and just be in shape and healthy.

It's a great feeling, although I am small I am NOT I repeat NOT in shape. Lol. A lot of people ask me "Girl why you working out, your already small? " It's not about getting smaller, it's about being healthy, a fitter me. Working out also involves your mind, you have to wake up with positive thoughts so you can be and stay motivated. If you wake up in a bad mood 9 times out of 10 your not going to do your workout, probably won't care what your putting into your body that day. Have you heard that saying "Your thoughts become your actions" I strongly believe that. We have to think more positive about our life, about circumstances. There is a opportunity, and lesson and every obstacle, and or trial. Guard your thoughts because if you Don't the devil will come in and and attack your mind with nothing but negativity. Negativity you can't see pass.

You don't want to become a prisoner in your own mind do you? Never able to reach your goals because your too focused on what you "think" is holding you back. Today I declare to not only take back my body but I am taking back my mind. I have gotten control over my body so that I can live a healthy life, so I can do the works of the Lord. If I am unhealthy, sick and bed ridden how can I do kingdom work. How can I finish out my purpose if I leave this earth too soon because I am not treating my body well. The same goes with my mind, I will no longer be held captive by negative thought, I will no longer let the devil discourage me from walking into my destiny. Although I still have a journey I believe I have arrived, my purpose has been signed, sealed and delivered by my father the one and only ALL MIGHTY CREATOR. I take back my mind, my body, my heart, soul and give it to Jesus!!
In the next coming weeks I am putting together a schedule for Ladies in my area to meet in the park for weekend workouts, thus has boost my motivation even more. "Fitness M.O.M.s" was inspired by my sisters and I, we went for a workout and it was so excited and liberating and FUN because we were able to motivate each other and push pass our own limits. I thought why not open this up to Mom's that desire to get back in shape but Don't have the motivation or need the extra motivation. Fitness M.O.M.s
Motivating Other Mom's, I am not a fitness guru, I am a mom like you with Extraordinary goals, ideas and BIG DREAMS, and I have a desire to be healthy, get in shape and meet new people and motivate on the way. It's not about making money, but about really having common ground and creating an empowering atmosphere, and helping each other reach our goals, reaching beyond our comfort zones, it's a transformation. Stay tuned for post with more info about Fitness M.O.Ms
Operation: Take Back is in full effect, will you join me?

Post "Fitness M.O.M.s in The Park" coming Soon...
Peace & Blessings Queens

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