Sunday, March 24, 2013

Use To See

What I USE to see was a girl screaming to be saved
What I USE to see was a girl that was broken
What I USE to see was a girl that didn't like what she saw, scared of what she would be.

In today's society, not enough young girls and Women respect themselves, trying to stay up to date with each and every NEW trend. So many desperately seek attention, love and affection from boys and men, when if they really took the time they'd see that in JESUS. I am not judging anyone at all because I USE to be that girl. I wanted the attention of others so bad that I caused myself heartache and pain. Now I look to JESUS for everything, to GOD for all my needs. Instead of putting a band aid on my pain, and brokeness that would only last temporarily I looked to JESUS for lasting aid, for healing.

   Ladies I know it's hard compromising yourself, because you want to fit in. I know all you want is to be loved, to feel wanted, fill that void, to have protection, BUT like Kirk Whalum said in his song "Falling in love with JESUS was the best thing I've ever done". JESUS will supply you with all your needs. You will have unconditional love, will always be protected and wanted. All the pain, heartache, struggles, and frustration will no longer exist, or better to get through it if you stopped fighting for control. You have to stop lowering yourself, your standards to receive what JESUS can and will give you ten fold, from a boy or man that can't even love himself enough to seek JESUS.

    I always think about that saying "If you can't love yourself, how in the heck you gone love someone else?" In my opinion I feel your doing yourself a great injustice not having a relationship with JESUS. JESUS is love right? When you open yourself up to the love of Christ, you open yourself up to healing, to a spiritual journey that will NOT harm you but HEAL you.

   Your journey will teach you sister,  many things about yourself, that it helps build you up. Having a relationship with JESUS helps lead you to your purpose and gives you wisdom on how to treat yourself, how others should treat you and how you should treat others. That is the definition of loving yourself. Wake up ladies it's not too late to experience the love of Christ. It's not too late to see that you are worthy of so much, you are definitely worthy to be loved but by the right person and especially loved by GOD. You were designed and created with a purpose and until you realize that, until you take the next step to stop all that hurt and frustration, sorry to say but it will never stop, you will never know how to handle it.

  You can do things to temporarily aid it but it will still be there underneath all those old band aids. Seeking the attention of others is not worth compromising your joy. You are SMART, BEAUTIFUL, WORTHY, LOVED, and have a PURPOSE. GOD is waiting, JESUS is waiting on you, Yes it is a process to restore and untie those knots but I can Testify it's so worth it. What you see now, will become the past and it will be what you USE to see. Exodus 14:13-14 Don't be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you. The LORD himself will fight for you.

"Never would have made it without you. I'm stronger, wiser, I'm better much better" -Marvin Sapp

JESUS I love you, I need you, please help me to stay focused on your words, help me to continue to stand, help me to be strong. In JESUS name Amen.
Peace & Blessings Queens

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